The Schlumpf collection.
Starting the late forty’s to 1977 the brothers Hans an Fritz Schlumpf collected a huge collection of cars. We think it’s the most beautiful collection in the World. After the bankrupt of their textile factories the collection was taken away from them. Fritz - and after his death his widow Arlette – fought against the injustice that has been done to them. We will in a short time describe the Schlumpf affair and do justice to the Schlumpfs, who brought together the most beautiful car collection in the world.
In 1999 Arlette got – after a heavy juridical fight – the reserve collection (the so called Malmerspach collection) back.
The photo’s on this site are taken of the reserve collection that is bought by Jaap Braam Ruben and Bruno Vendiesse.
Fritz Schlumpf tried to save his factories in 1976 by selling (a part of) his collection to Tom Wheatcroft. There was a witness at the negotiations. The transaction didn’t take place, because the French Government forbid it. Now it seems, that not the Schlumpfs were to blame for the bankrupt, but the French authorities. There were two victims: the Schlumpfs and the 2000 workers. The whole shocking truth in our new book, that has to come.
If you have usefull information about the Schlumpf affaire: Please mail us!

16 may 2008 Arlette Schlumpf died